Frequent Questions & Answers
What days do you sail & where?
The GRCYC sail most Sundays (with the kind permission of the
Gladstone Ports Corporation) to the right-hand side of
Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) on the commercial jetty in the
Gladstone Marina. Please check our calendar on the home page
for racing dates. We start arriving to rig up & have a chat at about
12:00 and start racing around 1 pm.
What type of yachts do you sail?
The GRCYC has always chosen to stay the path of one-design racing,
while at the same time keeping things like costs under control and the overall
size of the yacht manageable. The club chose the International One Metre (IOM) class of radio controlled yacht to race, which is the most popular class of RC yacht in the world.
Can I buy an IOM over the counter at a Hobby Shop - after all, they are one metre long?
Short answer = NO.
So often when people start becoming enthusiastic about radio sailing, they head to the local hobby store and see a 'one-metre' sailing yacht on the shelf for a couple of hundred dollars and think that's a cheap way into the scene.
Those models (and I emphasise 'models') apart from being one metre in length are nothing like the boats that are sailed at the GRCYC. They are cheap, plastic, scaled-down versions of larger yachts with heavy cloth sails and plastic fittings, These are designed to float in a sheltered lake or your bathtub and would not last two minutes in the marina, where we sail, without tipping over and sinking.
DON'T GET SUCKED IN and waste your money!
The IOM is not a model of anything. It is a strictly designed, purpose-built yacht in its own right and is not a scaled-down version of a larger yacht. There are professional boat builders all over the world that are attempting to design better IOM's every day within a strict set of class rules. Yes, the cost is considerably more, but you get what you pay for...
Talk to a member of the GRCYC. We're here to help give you a better understanding.
Are IOM yachts popular?
The IOM class is the most popular class of radio controlled yacht in Australia and the world. When compiling this page there were hundreds of IOM's registered with the ARYA. Aussies have stood on top of the World Titles podium in the past and arguably the most successful Aussie RC sailor and World Champion, Brad Gibson has made a life in England around his passion for the sport.
So, just how much is an IOM?
Look, it's not cheap... but then again it doesn't have to be too costly either. Remember, IOM's are NOT off the shelf, one-metre yachts. They are specifically built by professional boat builders and will handle all weather conditions.
Consider that to get a boat on the water you need a good hull, a minimum 2 rigs for different weather conditions including masts, booms, sails and all the fittings, carbon fibre keel, rudder, sail winch, rudder servo, receiver, transmitter, batteries, battery charger and then a sail box to protect the rigs, a boat box to protect the boat and a stand to put the boat on when rigging her, we're talking a fair bit of gear.
So let's look at price ranges in general.
Please take the following as more of a guide and we're assuming you're getting everything included (see list above).
Usually, they won't come with Sail Box, Boat Box or Stand and these are completely essential. Each boat for sale will fall into the "good, the bad and the ugly!"
$0 - $999
If it looks like a dog, smells like a dog and barks like a dog - it's a dog. You will buy this - realise it's not competitive, more trouble than it's worth and get disillusioned. Don't do it.
$1000 - $1600
This gets you an entry-level basic club racer. However, be prepared for replacing the gear as soon as you get it. (Remember it never looks as good as it does in the For Sale photo!) If you're lucky the hull doesn't leak and because water and electrics DONT MIX, if it does leak, your entire electrics system is a ticking time bomb of expense. The sails & fittings will be reasonable.
Look, if you can handle these things - then go for it - just be prepared to spend more than the cost price.
$1600 - $2500
This price range would get you a good competitive racer. The gear is in better and the hull will be stiff (good) but I would still look at the electrics for signs of corrosion and perhaps swapping the wiring out asap. The sails will be good and your fittings will work. It should come with Sail Box but might not come with Boat Box or stand. This, my friends, is what I would suggest as a good entry-level boat that might perform better on handicap more than scratch racing.
$2500 - $3500
This would get you a top-level, serious 2nd hand or at the upper level of cost a BRAND NEW racer. Now I might explain that you don't have to be a serious racer, to get a serious racer. The gear is practically new and usually has been looked after. The hull will be stiff, won't leak and will be one of the latest designs. The electrics will be new, but even still, look for signs of corrosion and even consider swapping the wiring out for some peace of mind. The sails will be as good as it gets on a second-hand yacht and your fittings will still be gleaming silver. You'd better get a Sail Box, Boat Box and Stand. You are buying a bloody good boat at this price. You know what….you might just win a few scratch races!!!
If you are buying a new boat, nothing more needs to be said other than "look out National Titles... here we come!"
I will add one more thing.
PLEASE ...speak to any member of the club BEFORE you buy. If you don't have enough $$$ right now, save a bit more and get a good competitive racer because, honestly, we've seen our fair share of 'dogs for sale' out there and we want to see you in our club for a long time, not a 'frustrated, throw the towel in' short time.
The best place to go for boats for sale is the ARYA website and we have links here in our site. Happy hunting & don't hesitate to give us a call.
So what are the measurements of an IOM? (besides one meter!)
HULL DIMENSIONS: (With the boat floating in freshwater): Draught Min: 370mm Max: 420 mm The depth of hull from waterline: 60 mm Hull length: 1000 mm
BOAT WEIGHT: Total minimum weight of the boat in with keel, rudder, sails and all other racing requirements, in dry condition: 4000 g. Keel, excluding fasteners to hull Min: 2200 g Max: 2500 g, Rudder, including stock: 75 g
MAST DIMENSIONS: Lower point to upper point A-Rig or Mast 1: 1600 mm B-Rig or Mast 2: 1180 mm C-Rig or Mast 3: 880 mm
These measurements are taken from the IOM Class Rules and should only be used in conjunction with that document in full.
Can I give it a go... to see if I like it?
Yes, you can!
The GRCYC have invested in keeping a club boat that is available for anyone who is interested in the sport of radio controlled sailing to come down and have a go. The members will expertly assist in setting it up and giving you a quick lesson on the controls. Really - that's it. You'll be sailing in no time.
BUT BE WARNED... it's incredibly addictive.
Remember, IOM's are NOT off the shelf, one-metre yachts.
They are specifically built by professional boat builders and will handle all weather conditions.

GRCYC Members 2007
Back L-R: Matthew Jackson, Mark Hardy, Grant Cooper, Dave Laurie
Front L-R: Pam Morrow, Jeff Paul, Trevor Hall