GRCYC Sailing Instructions
Gladstone Radio Controlled Yacht Club Sailing Instructions.
1. Rules
1.1 Racing will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 (RRS) as amended by Appendix E – Radio Sailing Racing Rules, these Sailing Instructions (SI), the International Class Administration Rules, the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) and the respective International Class Rules. The Sailing Instructions shall prevail in case of conflict with the Notice of Race.
2. Notices to Competitors
2.1 Notices to competitors for club racing will be via the GRCYC website (calendar) with any changes sent via email to registered members.
3. Changes in the Sailing Instructions
3.1 Changes in the local S.I.’s must be approved by a GRCYC committee member.
3.2 Any change to the S.I.’s will be implemented only between races by verbal announcements. This shall be made to call attention to the change.
4. Courses
4.1 Courses can be changed only between heats or races. Any change to the course will be a verbal warning of the change.
4.2 During a heat, shortening of the course will be by verbal confirmation by the Race Officer (RO) on the leg before the leading boat starts the leg in which she will finish because of shortening. This changes Rule E3.8(c)
5. Racing Times and Schedule
5.1 No local club racing heat will start before 1300 hours. No local club heat will start after 1630 hours. Except as provided in HMS, Paragraph 2.2, the time limit for all heats will be 30 minutes from the start.
5.2 The Time Out Limit for racing, after the first boat finishes satisfying RRS 28.1, shall be 10 minutes.
6. Conduct
6.1 Competitor behaviour can impact unfavourably on the sport and all competitors are advised that their actions will be under scrutiny and in the event of any behaviour which is in breach of good manners or sportsmanship, or which may bring the sport into disrepute will not be tolerated and may result in a protest hearing under RRS 2. or for extreme breaches, in accordance with RRS 69.1 or other action within the Committee’s jurisdiction.
(re-Issue 20th June 2021)